World Sail Freighters | Aranui, French Polyinesia | Bella Desgagnes at St. Lawrence Bay, Canada | Croatia Coastal Cruises
On a Freighter Even the Routine is Extraordinary
And the Destinations are Some of the Most Exotic in the World


Sail Cargo Ships
Mail and Supply Ships
Vintage Coastal Traders
and Lakers

Anemos, Greek for Wind

Trans-Oceanic Wind Transport

This isn't a traditional sailing ship. The company's first vessel, called Anemos, is very different. It took some inspiration from sailboats used in racing. First, the masts are made from carbon fiber. That makes them so lightweight that they can be much taller than the traditional version made from wood. The extra height means that they can hold up sails that are approx. twice as large, and catch more wind.

The sails are deployed with a mechanized system rather than sailors working by hand. You could actually handle all the seven sails on board, 3,000 square meters of sail, with just one remote control. At 265 feet (81 met.) length, the vessel is a little longer than the Cutty Sark, the famous British clipper ship. But while the Cutty Sark had 48 sailors, Anemos has just seven.

Custom routing software helps the ship use as much wind as possible. The ship also has diesel electric engines, which are used mainly to enter and leave ports. Approx. 95% of the time, the ship can rely entirely on sails.

TOWT Lines and Destinations

Artemis has recently joined her sistership Anemos to offer monthly transatlantic voyages, taking upto 12 passengers each and approx. 1,100 tons of cargo. On first voyages they carried French cognac, champagne, wine and cosmetics to New York, then travelled down south to Central America to pick up coffee for Europe.

TOWT sail ship in New York

Two French Gifts to the World

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Ship photos at the top of the page

Aranui 5 of CPTM (Compagnie Polynesienne de Transport Maritime), a specially-designed cargo liner built with passenger comfort in mind, offers spacious accommodations, sweeping decks, an outdoor swimming pool, a gym and facilities for ocean swimming, fishing, snorkeling and scuba diving.

The service is renowned for its friendly atmosphere, fine French and Polynesian cuisine, informative onboard lectures as well as for the raw beauty of its destination, the spectacular Marquesas islands.

Aranui in the Marquesas islands

the Land of Men, listed as a
UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2024

French Polynesia

Marquesas and Australes archypelagos

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Summer and Fall in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence

Bella Desgagnes

The Bella Desgagnes offers transportation and cruise for local residents and visitors, while primary purpose is to bring mail and supplies to many of Quebec's picturesque villages located along the 900-km-long coast from Rimouski to Blanc-Sablon. This 1,000-ton vessel was built in 2013. She has an Ice Class, flies Canadian flag, and extends the good tradition.

Quebec's Lower North Shore mail and supply ship

Deck Scene

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Croatia's Coastal Voyages

Vintage coastal traders, which once delivered supplies to the islands off Croatia's 1,100-mile coastline, now repurposed accommodate 20 to 40 guests, and along with newer and larger vessels offer weekly sailings with a variety of itineraries from Opatija, Split and Dubrovnik, April through October.

This is a coast of towering cliffs and white pebbly beaches, red-roofed medieval towns of an old-world elegance which can be easily explored on foot. Few urban experiences match strolling down the centuries-old promenades.

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Freighter sailing through the 1000 isladns area on the Great Lakes

Win a Voyage
on the Great Lakes

Maris Int'l
Freighter Specialty Cruises
Since 1993